Hey, hey, hey…

This post is just going to be a fun one to share. Feel free to add more in the comment so we can have a laugh at it together.

Maybe something we quilters can relate to.

Or maybe a friend of a quilter, or a husband in particular. They pretty much understand these things cause theylive with one. 😛

#1: It never can be a 5 minute stop at the quilt shop.

Honey, I know I promised to stop by the quilt shop on out way to the grocery store to just buy that ONE thing. But…..

I just remembered, some of my current projects need a few more yards of fabrics.

And I really, really do need to think for awhile which fabric would suit the best cause otherwise, I’ll be buying the wrong piece. 

Yup. It can never be 5 minutes.


#2: There’s always room for more fabric

Dear husband,

there’s always room for more fabrics in our house. And I’m pretty sure you know that already cause there seem to be a package at the door every so often, and yet you can’t see much of the fabrics around can you?

ps: don’t look under the bed,

or in that store

or behind those closet door.

Lots of love,

Your quilty wife.

It seems that quilters always find room to buy more fabrics. And there never seem to be enough when we start a new quilt right?


#3: It is always much more fun to cut them into smaller pieces then piece them back together into a quilt.


People who don’t quilt really don’t understand why we cut the fabrics..and then we piece them back together into a bigger piece.

Well, it is just the way it worked.

If we were not cutting it, then the fun is no longer there.

It is the very reason why we make patchwork quilts. Mix matching the fabrics – that’s the creative juice flowing right there.

#4: It is a necessary to check if the place we’ll be travelling have a quilt shop that we could stop by and check out while we’re there

Who does this, raise your hand.

If we were going to be there, we have to check out what is available there, and quilt shop is in the list.

And I’ll try my very best to find another fun things that my other family can enjoy a few minutes from that shop so I can peacefully spend my time at the quilt shop.

or remember to bring a quilt to take photos at awesome places. Here is one of mine taken at Kangaroo Valley NSW Australia. You can read more about this here.

modern medallion quilt rainbow wash little mushroom cap

#5: It’s very normal to have 10 projects going on at one time


O my, I couldn’t remember when did I only have one or two projects unfinished laying around. Once you got into this zone known as the quilter’s zone for sure, I think you definitely have at least 5 projects that are not just quite yet finished laying around.

And it is also very normal to start a new project every now and then even if you have none finished within that period of time 🙂

#6 “YES, I rather be piecing little patches together than mend your jean, darling :)”

Ugh, please. I hate mending. I know it would maybe take me 10-15 minutes. But it is a dreaded work. If it goes wrong, it may take more than that 10-15 minutes. Which is very precious in my sewing time (lol).

Honestly, I think it is not about the time it’ll take. It’s more of the effort and the “boring”ness of the job.

Of course I know how to sew, but I can also say I don’t know how to mend just for the sake.

If I do mend though… (my husband’s or mine), it may sit for a long while in that sewing room before I finally did decide to just do it.

#7 “If you want to buy my quilts, you’d be surprised with the price I would want to sell it for what I think it’s worth (but if you’re lucky and I feel like it, you may just received it for FREE easily)”

Honestly, most quilters are very generous. At least the one that I’ve known.

Handmade quilts can get really expensive if you really take into account the time taken, the cost of materials and the labour and skills to make a quilt.

Most quilters won’t sell their quilt because they really don’t think it is worth selling. For me, most of the time, I can’t even say the cost of the quilt to the friend that is asking to buy it. In the end, I’ll probably just gift it. At least to those friends close enough. Or if I needed some money back, I’ll probably just mention the cost of the materials. FREE labour.

This may not be the best, but I think this is how it is with most quilters. Most of us really just do it for the fun and making for profit can be stressful.

Baby Quilts are my favourite to gift away, Below is one I made for my best friend’s baby. You can check out the details HERE>

Do you agree with any of these ? Let me know in the comment.


Make sure to pin this and share!

8 Comments on 7 things only a quilter would understand plus some quilting meme

  1. Regarding #7: with a big family, (7 sisters), I’ve given away my fair share of quilts. I’m always given the advice of, “you should sell your quilts!” What they don’t realize is the time and emotion put into them! I usually end up keeping them for my 2 children or myself because I can’t bear to part with something I’ve become emotionally attached to! I’d rather give them away to someone in need, which I have. Keep up the good work!

  2. Those are all great points and very true. I think
    I have done everyone of them! And it is easy to have
    Multiple projects on the go! About your Trip Around Quilt,
    Have you done the version where your whole quilt
    Is the Trip Around the World?

  3. Everything you said is true for me. It’s nice to know I am not the only fabric fanatic with multiple projects in various stages of progress. It’s gotten so bad I find myself buying duplicates of things I have and forgot about.

  4. Oh my goodness, lm glad I’m not alone! Sell my quilts? Mend your pants? Make one quilt ata time? And who can resist a quilt fabric sale! I always make personalized quilts for newborn family and church members. Also college quilts for trunk party gifts. But I won’t sell them, no one will pay their worth. and I definitely won’t take orders,that takes the joy and creativity away. I love quilting!

  5. My daughter has me making small baby quilts to gift to her coworkers…and she paid me a mere $35 each for the last two…”covering” the cost of materials! Ha! Then one of her coworkers asked if I would make a full size quilt for her. I told my daughter it depends…and proceeded to tell her I have over $300 invested in fabric for the full size quilt I’m making for my granddaughter. Hopefully, that alone will end the discussion. Either way, I decided the answer is NO. I don’t want the stress of meeting someone else’s expectations!

  6. Just found your blog tonight and like it very much. Lovely, really. Looking forward to the newsletter, just signed up. Your posts are spot on about how much fun fabric can be. I especially like color matching and picking out fabrics from a coordinated set of both solid-color and printed fabric. So yep, I easily go missing swallowed up by a quilting shop. You’ve got a really nice site, nicely done, so I’m looking forward to coming back.

  7. #6 Two pairs of blue jeans sitting ready for repair. Belt loops are pulled out. I hate to work on stuff like that. Finally got it done. The jeans sat on the end of the counter for another work. He said thank you, but could not get them upstairs and in the drawer. Mending is horrid.

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