

Today I am going to share with you my happy mails that I received when I was on holiday. Imagine having to open a lot of happy mail when you came back to the house.. They just make your week..or your months..
I always tell my husband that fabrics and books – they give you endless enjoyment. (P.S : you can use the same reason if your partner start questioning about your stashes..LOL) I mean, with fabrics – you enjoy when you shop for it, when you fold them, organize them, when you sew with them and when you use the things you make from them.. isn’t that endless??? It is sooo worth it..don’t you agree?? LOL

Anyway, here is my happy mail :
First the scrap vomit swaps.. I have received all of my scrap vomit swap from all six of my swap partners..
They are so yummy that I just couldn’t wait to sew it up! I sew some of them already! O i love scrappy! I am going to enjoy sewing this quilt!!

Scrap Vomit Swap Received

Second, the book I ordered from fishpond.com arrived just in time. These two books are a great deal! I love the content of quilting modern and regretted that I have just bought it.. should have bought long ago when I started quilting..There is so much to learn here..

Happy Mail - 2 new book

Third, my orders from Fat Quarter Shop arrived too! I won a voucher from a giveaway hosted by Kristy @ Quiet Play. This was my first win ever from a blog giveaway.. I was excited! I ordered two fat quarter bundle and use the voucher as a discount. Such a saver.. I am planning to make a throw for my mother with the Blush Anna Belle line..O thank you Kristy and Fat Quarter Shop! BTW :I love Fat Quarter Shops’ packaging.. aren’t they cute?

Been Shopping with my win of Voucher- FQ shop

Speaking of lucky.. I got lucky again with the competition Squeeze Your Own Bundle hosted by Alyce @ blossomheart! I can’t believe Randi from Fresh Squeezed Fabrics picked me as the winner of the Fat quarter bundle! I won this bundle I made for the competition! I love Fresh Squeezed Fabrics as they have great choice of fabrics and it was fun making this bundle with their vast selection of fabrics! Thank you Alyce and Randi.. By the way, Kristy @ Quite Play also won her bundle! Congrats Kristy!

I named this bundle Fresh’Zest – comes from the freshest fabrics selections, Fresh Squeezed Fabrics
The frustration :
Well, it is not always a fun story and feeling when you get back to a sewing machine that didn’t get fixed even after service! Yes, my machine is still not behaving as it should.. I was frustrated as I paid well for the service only to find the same problem again. I sent it to the shop again. This is the third time for the same problem.. After a lot of thinking, research and rethinking, I got myself a “new” machine.. I’ll tell you all about it in my next post tomorrow~
Well, till then,
Have a great weekend!


  1. Happy sewing and enjoy your winning.It`s very excited win a giveaway and hope more to come!!

    Have a fun weekend!

  2. Happy sewing and enjoy your winning.It`s very excited win a giveaway and hope more to come!!

    Have a fun weekend!

  3. Yay on winning your bundle! How exciting! Sounds like you got back from your trip to lots of fabric goodness! 🙂

    Hope you get your sewing machine fixed (or upgraded!!) soon!

  4. Yay on winning your bundle! How exciting! Sounds like you got back from your trip to lots of fabric goodness! 🙂

    Hope you get your sewing machine fixed (or upgraded!!) soon!

  5. Wow, lots of fun mail waiting for you:) Too bad about the machine (but I now know you happily have a new one)!

  6. Wow, lots of fun mail waiting for you:) Too bad about the machine (but I now know you happily have a new one)!

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