Overwhelming fabric scraps. I thought this was such a fun topic to discuss. so here I am.
Do you love or hate working with fabric scraps? Do you sometimes get overwhelmed with your piles of fabric scraps?
Well, maybe the way you organized it in the first place was causing this issue. In this post, I’ll show how I sort fabrics scraps so that I get to use them easily.
I changed the way I work with scraps a while ago and it has been a game-changer in making sure I don’t get overwhelmed or hate using my scraps despite my very good intention to make use of them when I threw them into the scrap bins.
Throwing fabric scraps into the scrap basket
Honestly, I hate having to rummage through the messy pile of scraps and working with thin strips of fabrics that have frayed right after you try to pull them out from the scrap basket isn’t very fun to me.
Hence, I have stopped throwing them into the scrap bin and letting them sit there for way too long. I now work on sorting them right after the quilt tops are done. That way, I can work with the scraps right into the backing of my quilt or start sewing something small to match the quilt.
If you want to know more about how I do this, here’s a short video of me trying to explain the process.
How to sort fabric scraps from a quilt project
Watch it on YouTube HERE>
And make sure you subscribe to my YouTube Channel by clicking HERE to watch more upcoming videos all about scrappy projects.
So, what do you think of the method I used to sort and use these scraps? Anyhow, I hope you did enjoy that little video. Let me know if you are going to try it out too. I say do what works BEST FOR YOU. cause we’re all different. It’s great that we can try lots of different methods before we find one that matches the way we work.
What to make from these scraps? How about some scrappy pouch?
Here’s a video for the full tutorial on the quilt-as-you-go pouches. Check out the Youtube Channel and I would love to have you subscribed there too.
Make sure you pin this to refer again later:

I love scraps!
Thank you for this tutorial-really like this idea- Sally K
What interface do you use
I love the video on scraps. Thank you for the time you gave in sharing. I believe this will help me to corral the scraps that pile up.
I want to subscribe. Your instructions were very clear and I quite enjoyed it. I can’t wait for the next one.
Great ideas