I have been thinking about pricing patterns lately. My Girlfriend’s wallet is soon to be released and am still weighing how much shall it be sold for. So, while thinking about this, I thought I should share some of my thoughts about pricing sewing patterns based on little research that I did. You are most welcome to leave a comment of what you think too, cause I would love to hear it. In fact, it will be a great place to have a bit of discussion on this topic and see things from various points of view.
Going back a few years ago, I never thought I would ever buy a pattern, because there are so many free tutorials out there. However, those days have definitely changed. I bought some lovely patterns from Indie designers and most of the one one I bought was definitely worth the price. Nowadays, PDF patterns have become popular with fast delivery directly downloadable in Etsy shops, Craftsy or any other platform.
I think Craftsy is a great platform for PDF patterns. I love browsing through all of them. However, I do find that I rarely buy from those whom I don’t really know. I mostly buy from those who blog, as I can basically have a sense of how their work is and I get to know their patterns through their blog too.
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I Heart Quilt Pattern available on Craftsy |
I previously bought some patterns from Red Pepper Quilt, Elizabeth Hartman, Noodlehead and other designers at Go To Patterns. So far, I love every single one of them. I love the details and photos in Elizabeth Hartman’s pattern and I think they are definitely worth their price. I learn new things in each one I own. RPQ’s pattern are far simpler, but I love the simplicity of it too, but I probably be a bit choosy of which pattern I buy. As much as I love Thimbleblossom’s design, I realised I haven’t bought any pattern Camille, except the one in Craftsy class and her books. In the craftsy version, I thought the patterns seem a bit too simple for me though the design and the fabrics she chose is of course drop dead gorgeous. Swoon. So, in that case, I guess I rather find it is worth buying the book and the craftsy classes instead. And not to forget, her lines of fabulous fabrics.
From my experience, most quilt patterns seem to be more simplified with less steps (since most of them are block repeat) whereas bag patterns are more complicated,with critical steps and clothing patterns are in between them. PDF clothing patterns are quite a task to put together, but I still think they are worth it.
While I am thinking about pricing my upcoming patterns, I pick up some tips how to price patterns, so I would love to share them with you :
1) Compare with similar patterns : visit pattern stores and see how others price their work. This does give a bit of hint. Though, from my experience the range of pattern prices is really wide especially in Craftsy. It is al
so difficult to judge since we don’t know how the pattern is written unless we purchase it. So I did this instead : look at the price and the way the pattern is written in all of the patterns I bought. Then compare how your work is to them and see how they match. The price should be in the same range of the one that matches your work.
2) Research your audience : Visit others who you think might be a potential buyer. You can do a bit of stalking to see what patterns they have bought and how much is your potential buyer is willing to spend for a pattern
3) Have an aim and do a little bit of calculations. Gauge how much time you have spent on making the patterns, the prototype and how many photos you have taken/edited for the pattern. Then, set a reasonable time and amount that you aim to achieve. For an example, lets say you can sell 2 patterns per month, in 12 month, you may sell 24 patterns. If you sell each one at $8, you shall earn $192. Not much, but it is a long term sell. Remember that it can still be sold after 12 month anyway. And you may get more buyers as you promote or grow.
4) Seek others opinion. I think this is best. And that is what I am doing now, so please do leave a comment on your thoughts.
5) Have your own opinion and believe in your strength. I guess in the end you also have to have a bit of confidence and believe in yourself. Gauge how happy you are with the pattern and how much would you like to earn from them. It is no fun having to make such effort and spend a lot of time making the patterns and not get as much as you wanted. I mean, we are just doing little business here and I believe all of us are actually supporting each other. Most of us make patterns to sell just simply to support a tiny part of our crafty hobbies.
So there, 5 tips to put a price on your pattern. Now, these are just some tips. Not a hard and fast rules. The part of getting it sold is another thing, which I think is rarely due to the pricing. Maybe making it cheaper shall get you more buyers, but in the end I think it really depends on how you sell them to public and letting them know the existence of the pattern itself.
These are just my two cents, I have no affiliation whatsover with any of the pattern designers above. It is solely my opinion. How about you? care to share your thoughts on this topic or even share some of your experience with patterns? What kind of patterns do you think is worth buying? How much will you pay?
Last but not least, I would also love to hear, at what price would buy the Girlfriend’s Wallet Pattern?
Thanks so much for reading this, would love to hear your thoughts too.

I love your pattern, and think it is worth the $8 or 9 you will charge!
I love your pattern, and think it is worth the $8 or 9 you will charge!
Excellent tips! This is like a must have guide for crafty people!
Excellent tips! This is like a must have guide for crafty people!