Is quilting with the ruler for beginners?

Do you need a quilting ruler foot to use a ruler with a domestic machine?
The answer to that is No. But.. you’ll have to get the right ruler and there are some disadvantages to using the open toe foot or the hopping foot.
You can get the foot from the link below:
Firstly, the shape of the regular open toe or hopping foot is not equal on all sides making it hard to use rulers on some of the sides. And some of the feet are just too thin and may not have an even side to them so that the ruler can be pushed against them.
A specific quilting ruler foot has the advantage of being clear of all its sides making it easy for you to align the ruler against the foot.

Secondly, you’ll need to make sure the ruler you’re working with is thick enough that it does not slide under the hopping foot.
The machine quilting ruler foot, on the other hand, does not hop, but hovers on top instead, hence allowing you to have the consistent height against the side of the ruler.
The downside of the quilting ruler foot is that it is a little bulky, making it hard to really see what you’re stitching.

Machine Quilting Rulers for domestic machine
There are many rulers and templates for machine quilting, while most of them are for long arm machines but they are actually adaptable to the sit-down machine as well.
All you need to check is that they’re thick enough that they don’t slide under the quilting foot.
Especially if you are using the hopping foot.
You can watch the video to see what I mean. It can be really dangerous if your ruler gets under the foot and the needle hits the ruler.
Links to quilting rulers
I am loving the Accent in design Quilting Ruler as it has a built-in handle, but I think they’re no longer making these as they’re not active anymore. Hence, I am sorry but I can’t link to those as I couldn’t find any active ones that you can get from.
However, don’t worry, I find that most of the thick quilting rulers work fine too. And if you want the handle, I recommend putting on a Pop Socket on the ruler and you’ll have a good place to grip on.
Here are some of the machine quilting rulers I recommend for home machines:
- 4-pack Creative Grid – you can buy them separately too and build on your stash bit by bit
- Clamshell Ruler. I love this one. Really sturdy and makes beautiful clamshells in various sizes.
- 4-in-1, straight lines & gentle curves of different sizes.
I don’t recommend buying the cheap set that is more likely made from non-quilters anyway – I bought them and don’t recommend them. They are thin and very flimsy. You can see the differences in the video below.
Additional items that will help make the machine quilting with rulers on a home machine easier:
- a grip tape like this to put on the back of the ruler to ensure your ruler grips onto the quilt better.
- a suction holder like this or even better,
- a phone pop socket to put on top of the ruler to help you grip the ruler better when quilting
Video on how to quilt with rulers on a home machine:
Tips for using a quilting ruler on a home domestic machine
- Make friction as little as possible between the quilt and the machine -therefore use the Teflon Supreme Slider.
- Push the edge of the ruler against the side of the foot. If the foot is away from the ruler, you are not using a ruler. I know this is obvious but, if we don’t put the focus, we think we are using the ruler, but actually did not.
Once the ruler is in place against the side of the foot, press on the ruler so that it is tight to the quilt.
Use the ruler as your palm, press your palm against the ruler and move the quilt like that, use the other hand to help pull the quilt around and to keep the quilt flat.
Use the marks on the ruler to help guide your design
Remember to get your shoulder to relax and breathe!
- Don’t over criticize, and always remember, practice makes better.
Well, I hope you’ll get inspired to try machine quilting with rulers! I really have to get back to quilting this king-size giant quilt.
If you want tips on how to quilt a large quilt on a domestic machine, check out the post below:

Thank you for a well explained video.
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