It has been a while since my last W.I.P post. Linking this up with Lee’s at Freshly Pieced

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Not that I have none W.I.P, but have found that blogging does take time – and sometime I am short of that. Who isn’t right…
Anyway,last week I have been spending most of time with the Make it Right Challenge and finally it got done! Here is a bit of sneak peek. I’ll do a full post on 7th June when you can vote it too! O please do! 🙂
Last weekend we spent in Tathra Beach. The view was beautiful.
While DH goes fishing,  I ended up in the apartment making these:
Paper Piecing - Penrose tile
Paper Piecing - Penrose tile - fussy cutting
Paper Piecing - Penrose tile - block cut
Paper Piecing - Penrose tile - half way there

It is going to be another Penrose Tile which I made a while back for Travelling Pic Stitch.
Now, it is still not yet appliqued to its background. I am going to do it when the new version of the penrose tile is done. Hopefully.

Penrose Tile _ To be applique

I also worked on Modern Quilt Guild Canberra’s quilt block. We are all assigned to blocks based on Canberra’s Map. What a wonderful idea Crystal and Nicole had for the quilt. I am pretty sure it will turn out pretty good!
MQGC - Canberra Map Quilt - block c4 - in map
My block and scraps
MQGC - Canberra Map Quilt

Block c4 Done!

MQGC - Canberra Map Quilt - block c4

A few more on the list like quilting my HST Quilt and I feel a few more coming to be on my W.I.P list! Isn’t ever so normal…
Free Motion Quilting on My domestic machine - HST quilt
BTW, I have a giveaway running here to celebrate a year of blogging on littlemushroomcap! Come and join in!


  1. Goodness, you’re up to a lot of good stuff. Your quilting is beautiful. And I love how you fussy cut that amy butler. I have that fabric sitting in my stash. Maybe you’ve given me an idea.

  2. This collective map quilt idea is the coolest thing I have seen in awhile. I hope you will post photos when assembled!

  3. I know I am repeating some other comments, but just wanting to compliment you on the fussy cutting for the English paper piecing.

  4. All of your projects are gorgeous! Those little tile blocks are so so pretty! the quilting on your make it right is awesome!

  5. Wow, love your fussy cuts! I’m a sucker for fussy cutting… and your map inspired block is great 🙂

  6. Amira, I just found your blog through Lily’s Quilts. So lovely! I really like your quilting on the Make Right Challenge can’t wait to see the whole quilt. I want to thank you your Penrose Tile’s are so pretty, I love the fussy cuts. I have been looking for a project to do in the car this summer and while camping and I think this might be the block. Thank you for sharing.

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