I am on the late train to blogposting lately. Life can get messy right?
Anyway, today I am posting you the 14th post on the About A Quilt Sampler QAL. We will be quilting the Churn Dash block.
 If this is your first time here, you can read more on this QAL by clicking here.
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I thought I’d keep it simple, so here is my block quilted with wavy lines
Although I started with the wavy lines on the sides instead from the center I really suggest you to avoid that. Always try and quilt the center first then go out from the center. This should prevent any unwanted fold at the back and any bulge.
So a tip for today :
Whether you are quilting small block or a large quilt :  quilt from the center.
I marked the center then started to do a swirly wavy lines. You can play with the density of the lines. I think it will look great having dense lines close to each other.
Or you can also try starting with dense line then sparse it as it comes outwards.

Here is my finished block
From the back:
Well, I hope you will try some wavy natural lines in your block. It is fun and easy! You can add your version to littlemushroomcap flickr group and I would love to see it.

Till then,


  1. I really like the quilting on your block. The red backing is wonderful. Love churndash blocks!

  2. I really like the quilting on your block. The red backing is wonderful. Love churndash blocks!

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