I am getting back on track, and hopefully by April I will be on track and on time with this About A Quilt Sampler QAL post.
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Today I am sharing with you ideas on how to quilt your second block.
Same as the first block, I would really recommend you to practice doodling your quilting design. You can download a pdf file with the outline of this second block here.
I did some practice and tried different designs. It is also helpful to practice your travelling lines using this method, try not to pick up your pen and travel from one point to another via the ditch or the outside of the block.
Doodling Quilting
For my block, I first make an echo line inside the cards. For all straight lines, I usually mark them with water soluble pen first (using a ruler) as I find it more precise to quilt on this markings. Otherwise, you can go “organic” and a little wonkies won’t hurt I guess.
Here is my block from the backside. This side shows more of the quilting design as it is on a plain fabric. As you can see, I do a lot of travelling on the ditch and outside of the block.
Block#2 Quilted back
I hope you will have fun quilting yours. Share them on the flickr group. I would love to see your version!
Till then



  1. I haven’t got mine done yet but it is next on my list. It is made just needs the machine quilting. This is when it would be nice to have the second sewing machine just to have one set up for machine quilting. That is my goalwhen I go back to work this summer.

  2. I haven’t got mine done yet but it is next on my list. It is made just needs the machine quilting. This is when it would be nice to have the second sewing machine just to have one set up for machine quilting. That is my goalwhen I go back to work this summer.

  3. Hi Amira…..I really like your sample quilting on this block. I have already done the in the ditch ….now to decide what to use on the rest…lol…Thanks for this QAL.

  4. Hi Amira…..I really like your sample quilting on this block. I have already done the in the ditch ….now to decide what to use on the rest…lol…Thanks for this QAL.

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