Welcome to the series of my slow stitching projects documentation.
Basically, I wanted to document the slow progress of my hand-stitched projects on a weekly/forthnightly basis for a couple of reasons:
- I wanted to make myself accountable and make sure I do sit and enjoy hand-stitching at least one session per week.
- Documenting progress is always something I love to do. In fact, that is why this blog started anyway.
- To create excitement even with little progress. Small progress does matter!
- I hope I can inspire you to do the same too. So share your slow stitching projects you’re working on too in the comments.
For this week, what has been growing?
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I am a little behind with the Kingfisher Stitch-along.
Have you seen the cutest hexie flowers popping around for this sew-along? Check it out here>
I love those photos showing the stacks of them.
Well, mine is not even stackable yet, since I haven’t been sewing.
Too much chilling and food eating during Eid, and a little to none of sewing. But I am happy to say, I am back with my regular routine today and I am enjoying a little more hand sewing these hexies while sipping my coffee.
It’ll be slow, but it will be growing for sure.
I love picking my fabric scraps to make these. There is alwasy something fun in the scrap box.
If you are looking for more varieties in your scrap pile, check out this scrap bundle to add in more varieties. the scrappier the better right?
[related: you can get the FREE printable heaxagon template in TLMC resource Library. Sign Up for our newsletter to get the password]
Extra large KingFisher version
I also found some already made hexie flowers that my sister had made using my scraps a couple of years ago. It matches well with the current flowers I am making, but these were larger in size.
I am thinking of putting them together with similar background style. Patchy diamonds in scrappy fabrics. Then make into a big long pillow to put on the bed. That’ll be fun.
So, how about you? What have you been stitching?
Let me know if you joined the Kingfisher Sew Along too and what stage you are at.
I am linking to Kathy’s Slow Sunday Stitching.

Your hexies are looking great. This is certainly an addictive project.
I, too, have joined the Kingfisher StitchAlong, but I am making slow progress. It is my first attempt at EPP (your video tutorials and template for hexagon shapes were very helpful, by the way). I have all the hexies basted, but the sewing of the flowers has taken me much longer, so I am behind on the quilt-along schedule. I was feeling a bit stressed about it, but your blog about Sunday Slow Stitching reminded me that I don’t have to stay on the prescribed schedule. It’s more about the joy of slow stitching in my own time, and, it will all get done in the end. =)
Hi DJ, slow is good as long as you are enjoying your stitching. That is what matters. I love that everyone is taking their own sweet time with it, and this is definitely going to be one of those sew-along that is going to last awhile for sure…
Hi, your scrappy hexies are really cute! I’m also doing the Kingfisher Stitch-Along. I just finished my first 10 hexie flowers but am certainly not up to 8 per week! I cut out a few diamonds to see how it would look and I know that I’ll love it. I am also hand-appliqueing the hexies onto the diamond so it’s going to take me a very long time…but that’s ok. In the end, we’ll have a gorgeous quilt! Best of luck.
Hi Andree, Definitely on the slow wagon too here, but it won’t matter, as long as we are doing it, we’ll get it done sometime in life. I am excited to cut the diamonds too very soon though I am still far from a finish stack of hexie flowers… it is going to be a fun-filled slow project for sure.