Sometime a good simple patchwork is all you need to work on. Here is a simple patchwork baby quilt I made last weekend.
I haven’t been in a blog hop for quite some time already, and I thought it’d be fun to start joining again. Today is my turn for the WISH UPON A STAR Blog Hop, hosted by lovely Carol.
I love finding new blogs and connecting to other quilt bloggers around the world. Besides, I always think that blog hops is a great way for accountability to make sure I get something done!
I told you before, I kind of got addicted to swapping early this year and got myself into few swaps over at instagram. (I am @amira_littlemushroomcap by the way). This is probably the last swap for this year as I can’t commit myself and pose more due dates. I am writing thesis this year and really…that has been the main focus and energy this year and I must say I will be a little slow in the sewing department. In fact, for this swap, I had to tell my swap host who happen to be my partner too! that I will be late. I am not usually like that, but the travel, moving house, and studies had probably had something to do with that.
Though I’m busy, I will be sure not to be too quiet here or on instagram. I know, my creative outlet is probably one of the reasons that keep me going, keeping me positive and I intend to keep that while I write my thesis.
Anyway,……enough said, for the quilt, I decided to make the mini quilt with a classic block, the Ferris wheel. With Dresden style piecing and a little bit of appliqué, this mini quilt was born!
Make your own mini quilt :
Free Foundation Paper Template
You can also make one with a foundation piece available from TLMC Resource Library. Find Ferris Wheel Mini Quilt. If you haven’t joined the library, go subscribe and get the FREE access code.
I chose some of my favourite Tula Pink fabrics in rainbow of colours and also made a pouch with little hexies on it. I am glad the mini quilt has arrived safely in Emma (@joworimakes) and she had enjoyed the package. I love the joy of giving and maybe that is one of the reasons I joined swaps. Of course, receiving is also fun and a great surprise. Gotta love happy mail right?
Till then,
Quilty Hugs,
Welcome to my turn for the fabulous Oakshott ColourShott Bloghop hosted by Lynne over at lily’s quilt. Hop on there if you haven’t seen the others. If you are new here, I most welcome you to browse around my blog too.
I am so happy to be sharing with you today, a king size quilt finish!
Swoon quilt is like a must-have, must make in a quilter’s life. It is Camille Roskelley’s pattern based on the traditional block, the carpenter’s wheel block.
A couple of months ago I made this quilt but never got to share with you here on the blog.
This was a really super quick quilt. Big blocks and no measurements really. I just slash and sew – then trim to size. I love this line, super cute for unisex babies. The fabrics are all from Giraffe Crossing by Riley Blake.
I really enjoyed the simple stippling on this quilt.
The backing with leftover strips. All random. No measurements really.
I guess nothing beats stripey binding! Yeah?
Baby quilts are fun, quick and much loved. Now the quilt lives with a cute baby and am so happy to see it being used.
Today I am going to share with you a wonderful swap package I receive from Lynda , my swap partner assigned for this Very Cherry Swap. Tina (emilyannkloset) started the swap over on instagram with hashtag #verycherryswap.
I am amira_littlemushroomcap in Instagram by the way.
On a lovely Monday holiday, I receive this bundle of package full of cherry goodness! I love all of them, especially the lip balm (I am a sucker for lip balm) and the pouch! oh and the cute socks! Truely, I love all of them, can’t really pick a favourite. Look at that cute pom pom ric rac on the pillow case. Just perfect.
I am very thankful to have such a lovely partner, Lynda and the efforts she puts in all the things she made here. It was all very lovely indeed.
So much of happy cherries!
The coasters are perfectly cherry too!
In return, this is the package I sent her. I love this swap as this swap embraces that we have each other as swap partners.
All packed in a cherry bag I had saved from my last trip cherry picking last year. Another fun thing about this swap is that I squeal everytime I see anything cherry, knowing that I could include it in the swap package. So this bag was definitely one squeal!
Here are the things in the package:
The main one was the mini quilt made from simple granny squares in Lori Holts’ fabric.
A pin cushion made with fussy cut 1/2 inch hexies and super cute cherry tag I found when I was back in Malaysia :
A sweet charm with a cherry on top! (printables available for free here). So easy to customize your gift with a certain theme with free printables!
Another customized with the same printable.
She loves lady bug, so I bought lady bug button and stuck them onto the printable too. Made a diary so cherry with the same printable.
I print and cut out cupcake wrappers with the free printable available here.
Made simple stickers from them too.
Made the mini quilt label with a bit of embroidery. Can you spot some cherries in the free motion quilting I did on this quilt?
The very cherry pouch, embelished with a cute lady bug zipper I found at the recent quilt & craft show.
The open wide pouch has a cherry tag to cover the end of the zipper. Fussy cut.
Overall, I really enjoyed making all of them and have enjoyed the surprise I got from the lovely package Lynda sent me.
Have you been in a swap lately? I am joining another very soon or maybe even start one. Are you interested?
Here are some of my previous ones that I’ve swapped:
Well, till next time, Have a gorgeous time sewing, quilting or enjoying life!
pin the image for an inspiration of a quilt swap next time.

The quilt was made using just one single jelly roll following the wonderful tutorial by Fat Quarter Shop for this quilt. The pattern is called the Jelly Roll Jam Quilt II which you can download from HERE.
A baby quilt made for a special baby just born last two week. She is still in the hospital in the incubator, but she is strong and healthy. Hopefully, she’ll gain enough weight and would be ready for the outside world very soon.
The process was very quick and it is definitely the perfect way to use up some of the jelly rolls I have. This one is by Riley blake, Seaside by October Afternoon. I love a lot of the fabrics in this line. So many basics and love the colours in this line.
I have recently finished 6 quilted placemats which I adore very much. I will be sending it off to my Modern She Made Swap Partner soon so I plan to make two more in Black and white for me and hub.
I am back with this quilt and I can say it is finally finished! I put it aside for quite sometimes, after quilting it a quarter way. Then I moved house, and haven’t got the mood to start quilting it again in my smaller sewing space (I shall share with you soon) until last weekend. The quilt has a fold crease now, but I hope it goes away after washing.
I had fun doing free-motion quilting on this quilt. Just swirls and bubbles (or pebbles). The stars were quilted with swirls evolving from the center.
The story behind this quilt? I received my briar rose bundle, decided to cut them as equilateral triangles, then I played around with those triangles. I ended up with this Stars which I group it in Diamond hence the name ~ blergh. Then I decided to add the border. I still have many triangles left, maybe I’ll make another quick baby quilt.
I love this line of fabrics, the colours made me smile. Made me wish I have a baby girl. I am going to keep this quilt or probably gift it to my sister.
Quilt Stats :
Fabrics : Heather Rose Briar Rose Collection + Kona White
Size : 58 x 78″
Batting : Warm and Natural Cotton
Machine bound and domestic machine quilted (Janome QCP8200)
Overall, I love the end result, but I wish I have more bed size quilts these days. So, my next projects are going to be more of bed quilts. I love the satisfying feeling of dressing up the bed with quilts I made. What do you do with so many small quilt? My sofa is full, and most of my smaller quilts are just folded, which made me feel sad.
Hope you have a fun holiday! Enjoy the beautiful Spring for those having Spring time, and enjoy Fall for those down-under!