
Now, I have lots of tips on this blog all about quilting on a home machine, but I’ve never really talked about what it really takes to finish a large quilt on a domestic machine. 

And as I’m nearly finishing this quilt that I’m quilting, I thought I’ll come and address some of the common questions while sprinkling in some tips and strategies to finish a large quilt on your home machine.

Can large quilt be finished on a home machine?

Yes, certainly yes! I have done it time and time again, and I love to encourage others to have this vision too. You can totally finish large quilts on your home machine. It is easier on larger machines but any small machine can also power through a large quilt. 

Is machine quilting difficult with a home machine?

This really depends on the intricacy of your quilting designs. If you are new to quilting, maybe straight line quilting using a walking foot would be easier. But if you fancy the swirls and the free motion quilting design, it is absolutely possible too! Is it easy – maybe not at first but it can be with lots of practices and experience.

How long does it take to machine quilt on a home machine?

This also depends on your quilting design and the density of your quilting design. It will also depends on your experiences with quilting. A beginner may take longer to finish a quilt and may find more obstacle on their way. But as you progress, you will get  faster! I promise.

I love stitches that are closer together (denser quilting), so it will take some time to finish a quilt. I have been timing myself this time round, the quilt that I’m quilting right now is about 69″ x 75″ and I have been quilting in short period of time and taking lots of breaks. So far, I have been quilting for 350 minutes ~ 6 hours! I am almost done, there is one more row of houses and it will be wrap! I estimate it’ll be another 3-4 sessions of 20 minutes and I’ll be finished. 

How can I finish a large quilt on a home machine?

You can easily quilt with straight line quilting, but you can absolutely rock it with beautiful free motion quilting too using your home machine. I have lots of technical tips on how to free motion quilt a large quilt which you can visit below:

But today, in this post I want to clarify one one big things that makes it possible for you to finish a quilt with your home machine. And that is being patient and persistent.

Cultivating Patience and Persistence

Patience and persistence are key qualities when it comes to quilting, especially if you’re working on a larger or more intricate project. Here’s some additional guidance on cultivating these essential qualities:

  1. Embrace the Learning Process: Understand that quilting is a skill that takes time to develop. Accept that you may encounter challenges and mistakes along the way. These are valuable learning opportunities, and they help you grow as a quilter.
  2. Break it into Manageable Segments: Large quilts can be overwhelming, so break your project into smaller, more manageable sections. Focus on completing one block or a specific area at a time. This makes the task feel less daunting.
  3. Set Realistic Goals: Define achievable goals for each quilting session. This could be as simple as finishing a single row or a small section. Setting attainable milestones will help you stay motivated.
  4. Celebrate Small Victories: Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements as you progress. Completing a section is cause for celebration. These small victories can keep your enthusiasm alive. I’ll treat myself with coffee breaks or chocolate!
  5. Stay Open to Adaptation: If you encounter challenges or find a particular approach isn’t working, be flexible in your methods. Don’t hesitate to adjust your techniques or even take a step back and revisit your quilting strategy. Sometime I had to change course of my quilting design. Read my story of quilting the double wedding ring quilt here where I had to change my audacious plan.
  6. Find a Supportive Community: Connect with other quilters through local quilting clubs, online forums, or social media groups. Sharing your experiences and receiving encouragement from fellow quilters can boost your motivation.
  7. Remember the Joy of Creating: Keep in mind the satisfaction and joy that comes from creating something beautiful with your own hands. The process of quilting can be as fulfilling as the finished product.
  8. Persevere Through Plateaus: It’s common to encounter plateaus in your quilting journey, where you may feel like you’re not improving. This is a natural part of skill development. Continue practicing and experimenting to overcome these plateaus. I sometime get bored in the middle of quilting a large quilt. What I do is to just take breaks and do something else for a while. It is only a change of foot away. I know I am sometime so lazy to switch between the regular foot for other projects while I’m free motion quilting. It only takes a few seconds to change it, but I dread it sometimes. But I am getting better at it now. I can easily switch between free motion quilting projects and piecing. I do it to keep boredom away. 
  9. Maintain a Positive Mindset: Approach quilting with a positive attitude. Cultivate an outlook that views challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. A positive mindset can help you persist through difficult moments.
  10. Take Time for Self-Care: Don’t forget to take breaks, relax, and recharge. Burnout can sap your enthusiasm, so ensure you maintain a balance between quilting and self-care.
  11. Document Your Progress: Keep a quilting journal or take photos of your work as it progresses. Reflecting on how far you’ve come can be a great source of motivation when patience wanes. That’s one of the reason why I love to blog my process!

Remember, every quilter, regardless of experience, has faced moments of frustration and self-doubt. What sets successful quilters apart is their ability to persist, learn from their experiences, and keep their passion alive. So, stay patient and persistent, and enjoy the rewarding journey of quilting.

I kept on saying to myself, “this will eventually be done, little by little. What I need to do is, enjoy the moment. Enjoy the sweet time I have quilting this quilt” and that saying has surely kept me going. 

Do you have a saying that you like to say to yourself as you push through to the finish line of making your quilts? Leave some below in the comment section!

Well, I am off to continue quilting, if you want details on the quilt, here are some information on the quilt that I’m currently quilting. 


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A post shared by Amira – Quilting And Sewing (@amira_littlemushroomcap)


Sweet Home Quilt 

Pattern: Sweet Home Quilt

When the Sweet Home Quilt Along was announced a few months ago by Sharon and Maureen, I kind of wanted to jump in. 

I had previously joined their quilt along and would love to continue to support their work while making something cute. 

Previous quilt along by Sharon and Maureen that I have previously joined in:

Till next time, 

Sweet time quilting. 


  1. Maryanne Richards Reply

    When I first began piecing quilts i jumped in to quilt them on my home machine, which at that time was an early 60’s singer 338 that was my mom’s. It was straight line and no walking foot. The longer I create quilt tops the more I got it in my head that my quilting wasn’t good enough. Thank you for the reminder to be patient. It isn’t about perfection but crafting with love. I will tackle my stack of smaller projects and enjoy the process. Still have that old singer but also a Janome memory craft 6300 with a walking foot and drop feed dogs for freemotion quilting.

  2. Mea Cadwell Reply

    I have rheumatoid arthritis and sometimes it’s a literal pain to sew.

    When I get to the point where I want to finish a sewing project because I’m almost done, but my body keeps feeling worse, I tell myself, “I’m almost done,…I can do it…almost there…I’ll rest when it’s finished…” and then inevitably I won’t be able to finish it and cuss inwardly while I’m walking out of my sewing room.

    I will say this has helped me develop patience…in a kicking and screaming sort of way, lol.

  3. Hi Amira,
    I love this post! That you’re reminding yourself that you’re making progress, but not wishing your time away. I have trouble with that sometimes; I encourage myself by saying “you just need to baste!” and “just quilt these lines, and then those lines!” but it’s such a good reminder that we do this because we love it, and getting to enjoy the process is a beautiful luxury.
    I also wanted to thank you for talking a bit about how sad you are right now, that it’s so hard to see so much pain and loss in the world. Sending you love.
    (I also wrote about the crisis in Palestine/Israel on my blog a couple days ago and found it really helpful to share my feelings and worries. I’m so grateful you shared some of yours — it doesn’t make your emails hard to read, it’s just nice to be real and know what’s really happening for you!) <3

    • Jenny Kavanagh Reply

      Hi Amira, I enjoyed the list of encouragement, so I have copied them.
      I also feel it is sad to see the wars happening in the world, but my faith tells me that it is part of the end-times that will happen and God is in control. If you believe in a better place after death, then many of those people are going to a place of resurrection, and we’ll all be together one day. Jenny

  4. Charlene Cook Reply

    Lo ve this article. I used to get frustrated because of the energy it takes to fmq on my domestic machine until I developed a method to finishing my quilts. I have my quilts in different stages. So when I’m fmq I will take breaks when I get tired or bored, I can move to doing a binding, a label or cutting my scraps. Sometimes I might take a break and cook or run errands. This way im still being productive and might quilt longer when I get back to fmq. Either way, I’m getting more completed than before. Last year I finished 20 projects.

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