

It’s time for an update for the All the trimmings Mystery Quilt Along! Last week was our last week, and I am done with the quilt top and the backing piece. Yeay!

Download the FREE PDF patterns for Mystery Quilt HERE>>

The pattern will be FREE and will be available weekly when the Mystery Sew Along starts on 7th of September. 

I posted about my fabric prep here. I starched all of my fabrics and I love it when I have the time to do so. It makes a lot of difference to my peicing process. 

This one is Seasonal and perfect for the winter holiday! There are so many perfect fabrics selections for this sew-along, but you can also follow along with the exact fabric they use, which is the beautiful Christmas Morning HERE>. The layer cake may already be out of stock, but you can still grab other layer cake like Red Barn Christmas instead for a similar look to the one shown in the QAL. 

Holiday Christmas Quilting Fabrics

Check out some of these Holiday Fabrics that I think would be perfect for this sew along!

As for me, I will be using Dear Stella’s “Baby, it’s cold outside” which has the cutest little illustrations. I love the sweet holiday wintery colours of this line. 

Mystery Quilt-Along 

Even though the quilt-along is over, you can still get the free pattern and make the quilt!

Download the FREE PDF patterns for Mystery Quilt HERE>>

Watch Week 5 video for the All The Trimmings Quilt below:


Fat Quarter Shop does awesome tutorials. I have learned so much from Kimberly! So, I’m telling you, you definitely don’t want to miss out to subscribe to their channel. 

I absolutely love this row of quilts. I think this is my first ever Row Quilt – quilts with rows of different blocks. 

This quilt turned out just I wanted it, A cute “brrr cold” feelings! 

This fabric line is so cute and fun. Even the name of the line is cute.. check it out>>Dear Stella’s “Baby, it’s cold outside” 

Quilt Backing

I even made the backing from the leftover fabrics I had! Inspired by my Jelly Roll Spinner Quilt, this one also has a beautiful backing.

And not to forget the labels! Isn’t that the perfect place for a label? I am loving this method.

You can still enrol in Quilt Label Wizard and you’ll get instant access to make your own quilt labels with your name using the same template I use.

Check out Quilt Label Wizard HERE>

Are you sewing along to make All The Trimmings Quilt?

Share your progress with #allthetrimmingsqal. Check out some other fun ones other quilters are making too over on Instagram.

And while you’re there, come and follow me on Instagram too. 

mystery quilt along christmas quilt

Mystery Quilt Along Free Christmas Quilt Pattern

Download the FREE PDF patterns for Mystery Quilt HERE>>

See you online!


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